Law of Armed Conflict

The Law of Armed Conflict with Kermit Lowery

Sponsored by LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation

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LexisNexis® U.S. Voting Laws & Legislation Center

LexisNexis U.S. Voting Laws & Legislation Center

Transparency is a critical cornerstone of the Rule of Law. This voting law tool is provided by the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation to provide citizens with free access to the most comprehensive collection of US voting laws, legislative developments, and news.

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Rule of Law Equation

The rule of law is the foundation for the development of peaceful, equitable and prosperous societies. We believe there are four key areas that form the umbrella protection of the rule of law.

Areas of the Rule of Law Defined

The stronger each of these components are, the greater the rule of law.

LexisNexis® Rule of Law Impact Tracker

Data from the LexisNexis® Rule of Law Impact Tracker shows that when the rule of law is strong in a country, other positive social and economic factors within the country are also strong. The LexisNexis® Rule of Law Foundation is committed to building legal infrastructures to solve complex and deep-rooted problems in holistic ways to achieve more robust outcomes and truly advance the rule of law.

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